
Saturday, March 19, 2022

Smith has no vision

Jason Smith’s Wednesday column in the Standard Democrat is very predictable. He criticizes any and all of the Biden administration, rejects any policies or bills unless they are republican, regardless if they help and or improve the American people. He has even been rejected by Trump as a future candidate for U.S Senate. This is no surprise, Smith has no vision, no progress. Smith has not once even admitted that trump lost the election. To just sit back and criticize has no value period.

All in the same boat

Why does the People’s Convoy of truckers rallying for removal of COVID-19 mandates think they deserve more recognition than the rest of the people. We are all in the same boat.

Open Keystone

Please tell President Biden to open the Keystone Pipeline. Please.

We tried to call and couldn’t get through so we sent him a very pointed e-mail.

GOP trying to destroy education system

In the Republican process of destruction in our public school system here in Missouri, I watched the bill in the legislature by Republican legislator Doug Richey, to change the school foundation formula and split the money set aside for our public schools between the private and the public schools, resulting in an $18 million loss for the public schools. This is interesting because the first lawsuit of this type was here in Scott County years ago, just to let the parochial school kids ride the school buses to their schools. That was stopped in its tracks by a defender of the public schools stating any attempt to divert tax money from the public school system cannot be tolerated and still maintain a public school system. Let the Republicans pass a school tax on our citizens to fund parochial, charter and other private schools they would like so they can program their kids like Fox News does, and not further divide the public and be sneaky about how they spend the tax money. They know that would never pass public scrutiny.

Class reunion planned?

I am calling to see if anyone knew if there was a planned class reunion for the Sikeston High School Class of 1977?