
Saturday, June 25, 2022

The mentally ill kill people, not guns

I’m reading the Saturday/Sunday June 22 newspaper in Speakout, the “NRA owns politicians.” This is not a Republican issue, this is an issue of mentally ill people. The guns don’t kill people, it’s the mentally ill people who pick them up. They steal them from their parents, they buy them illegally and some of them buy them legally. But this is a mental illness issue and if you can’t grasp that, maybe you fall in that category.

More on ‘price gouging in East Prairie’

Gas price gouging over here in East Prairie. One station $4.69 but then in Charleston it’s $4.54, Boomland it’s $4.45, so I darn well gas isn’t 30 cents higher here in East Prairie. I think that’s price gouging and I hope everybody sees the number you see in Speakout call and make a report of this station. I know it ain’t the workers, it’s the corporation.

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I’m the one that called about East Prairie selling their gas for way more than what the company that is 7.4 miles away is. Now if that isn’t price gouging, the poor people of East Prairie, the hard working people of East Prairie, I don’t know what the Standard Democrat will call it. Yes, gas prices is going up everywhere, but why eight miles away is gas 20 cents cheaper in the same corporation. As a matter of fact, I seen the same man unloading gas in East Prairie unloading gas in Charleston.

If you think there is price gouging, contact the Consumer Protection Hotline at 1-800-392-8222.

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I know I can’t say no name, but here we go over here in East Prairie. Gas prices going up over here at this one place. Come to Charleston, only eight miles away, same company, gas is 20 cents cheaper. Here, right by the interstate here in Charleston, gas is $4.39. That is 30 cents cheaper than what gas is in East Prairie. You can not tell me that is not price gouging. Why is the Standard Democrat reporters not over there asking the company? I know it ain’t workers, but asking the companies – why price gouging? Why this? Make a big story about it because that’s what it should be. They rippin us off. The poor people of East Prairie.

If you think there is price gouging, contact the Consumer Protection Hotline at 1-800-392-8222.

Russia passing too much gas

It’s been reported that satellites, used to search for methane gas leaks from space, have found a coal mine in Russia, which is spewing methane gas at the rate of 90 tons of methane per hour. Experts tracked it for five months. If it continues for a year, it’ll release more than 764,000 tons of methane. To describe it in a more meaningful way, if we had that much natural gas, we could power about 2 to 2.5 million homes for one year. Of course, it’s not the only leak, but it’s the largest ever recorded in a single area. Methane comes from several different sources. Also, if we could plug all the methane leaks, that alone would make a large improvement in our climate—over the short-term.