__Speeding on North Ingram__
This Speakout goes to Chief (James) McMillen and Sikeston DPS. I’m calling referring to North Ingram. The speeders on this street are out of control. I can make a movie and show it to you if you don’t believe me, or I have security cameras now in my house aimed at the street. I have been complaining about this problem now for 23 years and still nothing is getting done. My wife just about got hit yesterday morning backing out of our own driveway. I’m sure Chief McMillen knows who I am when he reads this comment or complaint. We need to do something about these speeders on North Ingram. it’s out of control. One of these kids getting on and off the school buses in the morning is gonna get killed. It’s crazy. Just the other day, two diesel pickup trucks was drag racing, side by side, and I guarantee they were both going 90 miles an hour. Come on, Chief McMillen, we need to do something now about North Ingram. Please. Today. Thank you.
We contacted Sikeston DPS Chief James McMillen who provided the following response: “If you have a traffic complaint, please contact us at any time. We try to patrol areas of concern as call load and staffing allow. I have relayed this to patrol division and they will address it. If you see the problem resurface, please let us know. Often we work areas, the problem gets better, and then we get called to work other areas of concern. We can be reached at 573-471-6200 or 573-471-4711. You can also call our tip line at 573-475-3774. This tip line is completely anonymous.”