SIKESTON — The Henry Meldrum Post No. 114 Sikeston American Legion Cotton Carnival, now in its 79th year, grew from the heartfelt desire of returning World War II veterans for a homecoming celebration to become an integral part of Sikeston culture.
The Cotton Carnival returned Tuesday, Sept. 26 to the Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo grounds, where it will entertain residents and visitors through Saturday, Sept. 30.
According to Jim Walton, finance officer for the Sikeston American Legion, the annual tradition, which began as a small homecoming gathering, has grown into a big carnival.
“Toward the end of World War II, veterans returning to Sikeston desired some type of homecoming, thus evolving the American Legion Cotton Carnival,” said Walton. “Which has now become part of the culture of the Sikeston community each and every year for the past 79 years.”
Walton believes the Sikeston American Legion family deserves a lot of credit for making the week-long celebration a success.
According to Walton, individuals who ensured success served in our armed forces and continue to serve by actively participating in the Cotton Carnival.
“Through the years, the theme of these parades reminds the citizens of our community of the service and sacrifice that are required to keep our cherished freedoms,” Walton said.
Walton continued, listing the themes that have been present over the years. There has been a salute to injured veterans, those who have received Purple Hearts, Gold Star families, Special Operation Forces and numerous others.
“Back in 2009, the parade marshal was Josh Echoff, who suffered severe injuries from an explosion in Iraq,” Walton said. “This year the theme is ‘A Salute to the Missouri National Guard and Our Local Guard Unit,’ which was deployed in Iraq a few years ago.”
According to Walton, the community benefits annually from the enormous contributions the American Legion has given over the years for numerous deserving causes in Sikeston, which are funded by the Cotton Carnival’s profits.
Walton also mentioned the Cotton Carnival offers the young people of Sikeston enjoyable, wholesome rides and entertainment.
On Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, there are wristbands for $30, normal coupons for $1.25 a piece, or a book of 22 tickets for $20 that can be used for the carnival rides.
Walton said Wednesday is the first pageant of the week event, and all rides are standard coupons only. The contest for Little Mr. and Miss Cotton Carnival will take place at 7 p.m. Wednesday.
On Thursday, the Junior Miss Sikeston Contest will take place at 8 p.m., and all rides will be available with normal coupons only.
Friday night will feature live music on the stage, with the band Black Velvet providing entertainment.
The parade will begin at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 30 with the lineup at Pine Street and Malone Avenue. The parade will make its way to downtown Sikeston.
Walton also mentioned that standard coupons will only be available from 5 p.m. until closing on Saturday, and the $30 wristbands for the carnival will only be available from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday.
The Miss Cotton Carnival Contest and the Miss Sikeston Contest will both take place on Saturday. at 1:30 p.m. and 8 p.m., respectively.
According to Walton, rides open every day at 5 p.m., with the exception of Saturdays, when they open at noon.
Daily hours for the fish stand are 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., with a reopening at 4 p.m. Orders by phone can be made by calling 573-380-5509.