March 8, 2024

Where I live there are a lot of birds. Robins, cardinals, bluejays, screech owls, hawks, sparrows, wrens, and the list goes on and on. With the lengthening of the days and as official spring approaches, I no longer need an alarm clock to get up in the morning. Birdsong begins with the rising of the sun. I enjoy listening to these songs...

Where I live there are a lot of birds. Robins, cardinals, bluejays, screech owls, hawks, sparrows, wrens, and the list goes on and on. With the lengthening of the days and as official spring approaches, I no longer need an alarm clock to get up in the morning. Birdsong begins with the rising of the sun. I enjoy listening to these songs.

However this year, a noisy crow has decided to stay in the trees around my house. If the birdsong doesn’t wake me up, that crow surely does with its loud “caw, caw, caw.”

Birdsong, honking geese, cawing crows, it all reminds me of the variety and the beauty found in nature. The coming of spring makes me realize once again what an amazing planet we live on, for it is a world that is constantly renewing itself in order for all life to live. When God made this third planet from our sun, God created a miraculous place where life could be.

The living of our lives is not always joyous like the songs of birds. Life can be as harsh as the caw of a crow, or the screech of an owl. Yet life, whether good or difficult, is a gift given to us by our Creator, the God who spoke the universe into being.

When things are going well, remember to thank God for your blessings. When things are difficult, remember that you are not walking that path alone, because Jesus promises us that the Holy Spirit is constantly with us and within us, and will help guide us.

Put your trust in the One who thinks that you are precious, the One who loves you and who will work for your good. No matter the day or the season, put your trust in Christ Jesus.

“Consider the ravens: they neither plant nor harvest, they have no silo or barn, yet God feeds them. You are worth so much more than birds.” Luke 12:24

The Rev. Karen Dumey is the pastor of Hunter Memorial First Presbyterian Church in Sikeston.
