Summer school starts up for some districts

Friday, May 24, 2024

SIKESTON — Some area school districts kicked off their summer school programs this week. 

Charleston R-1 School District’s summer school began on Monday, May 20 and will end Friday, June 14, according to Hearnes Elementary Principal Amy Smotherman. Charleston summer school starts every day at 8 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m.

According to Smotherman, one of the most popular aspects of this year’s summer school is the enrichment component. 

“They have a cooking class, a STEM class, an art class and PE class that we offer during summer school for the kids,” Smotherman said.

Smotherman said they are also doing some fields trips.

“Our biggest field trip that the kids are excited for is that we are going to visit the Magic House in St. Louis at the end of summer school,” Smotherman said. 

Smotherman said  summer school is important for children in their community. 

“It provides remediation and enrichment for some of our students that need that,” Smotherman said. “But it also provides a place for them to just spend their day. It provides a service to our community for working parents.”

Parents who want their children to attend summer school should contact the school office, she said.

Scott County R-4 “Kelly” Elementary is also offering summer school this year.

Kelly’s summer school started on Monday, May 20 and will end Thursday, June 13. The day runs from 8 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.

“This year our summer school theme is a ‘Mystery Theme,’” said Kari Bickings, Kelly Elementary principal. “So our teachers have lessons and activities centered around mystery.”

Bickings said the children will go on field trips and participate in fun, educational experiences they would not normally have during the school year.

According to Bickings, each elementary grade participates in different field trips. 

“One of the grades this year will go to the Conservation Center in Cape for a field trip,” Bickings said. “Another field trip that one of the grades is going on is to the Cape Fire Station and Cape Police Station.”

Bickings said any child can still enroll into Kelly’s summer school program. Their parents should call the Kelly Elementary office for more information.

Scott County Central Schools began their summer school on Tuesday, May 21 and will go until Thursday, June 6. Summer school is from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day for a total of 10 days.

“We are missing a few days in there for Memorial Day as well as teachers traveling for training,” said Scott County Central Elementary Principal Stacey Pullen.

Pullen said this year, there are six teachers and approximately 70 students enrolled in summer school. She said their summer school classes are open to students in kindergarten through sixth grade, who will enter junior high in August.

“Here at SCC, each teacher sets their own theme for their class,” Pullen said. “There’s a camping theme, a visiting the ocean theme, a space theme and more.”

According to Pullen, if anyone would like their child to attend, they can call Scott County Central School and get them added to the list. Pullen said if they are new to the district, they will need some additional information. 

This year, Sikeston R-6 School District and New Madrid County Central School District will not be having summer school.

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