Cantrell is new lead pastor at First Baptist Church

Thursday, June 13, 2024
Glen Cantrell of Sikeston, new lead pastor of First Baptist Church in Sikeston, stands at the pulpit of the church located at 1101 N. Main St. in Sikeston. (Gina Curtis/Standard Democrat)

SIKESTON —Sikeston’s First Baptist Church recently welcomed a new lead pastor.

Glen Cantrell of Sikeston was a bi-vocational pastor at a smaller church for 19 years before becoming the lead pastor at First Baptist Church.

“A bi-vocational pastor is basically someone who pastors a church but also has another job so that they are not a burden on the church,” Cantrell said. 

The inside of First Baptist Church, located at 1101 N. Main St., in Sikeston is pictured. (Gina Curtis/Standard Democrat)

According to Cantrell, many Southern Baptist Convention churches have bi-vocational pastors and are small in size.

“That way the pastor can still make a living while being a pastor,” Cantrell said. “The hope is that they can grow the church to a certain point but there are still many pastors that are bi-vocational pastors, and a lot of pastors prefer to be bi-vocational pastors as well.”

Cantrell was the pastor of Sikeston’s Community Baptist Church, which was renamed Bridge Church around four years ago. He said while serving as pastor at the Bridge Church, he also worked for Sho-Me Technologies.

Cantrell accepted the lead pastor post at First Baptist Church two weeks ago, and he will no longer be a bi-vocational pastor; he will be working full-time at the church, and he is excited about this new adventure.

“You know there are only so many hours in a day, and if you’re working 40 hours a week at a regular job, you have to find that time that you’re trying to get everything done for the church,” Cantrell said. “You’re also trying to fit in family time as well in between it all.”

Cantrell said he enjoyed being a bi-vocational pastor, but believes God has called him to full-time ministry as a lead pastor.  

“I’m really looking forward to this journey; now I will have the opportunity to focus and concentrate on the things we should be doing as a church,” he said. “It’s just really exciting to be able to go to full-time ministry.” 

Cantrell discussed how he ended up at First Baptist and his journey to full-time ministry.

“I was a bi-vocational pastor for 19 years and the goal was to someday be full-time,” Cantrell said. “But I never thought I would actually be able to do full-time ministry work, which is what I have always wanted to do.”

Cantrell said his journey to First Baptist Church began with a simple conversation.

“First Baptist had been looking for a lead pastor for a while, and someone who I knew had encouraged me to just apply for the position,” Cantrell said. “I honestly didn’t think I was the guy they were looking for, but I turned my resume in and shortly after, the church committee contacted me and we set up a meeting date.

Cantrell continued: “About 20 minutes after the meeting, they contacted me and said they wanted me to come preach in view of a call, which just meant that I would come preach on a Sunday, allow the church to get to know me and have time for fellowship, ask questions and that’s what happened.”

Cantrell said he then went and preached in view of a call one Sunday. Afterward, the church asked Cantrell and his wife, Mindy Cantrell, questions. Cantrell said he and his wife then went and waited in the library while the church discussed and voted to make him their pastor.

“I started that night pretty much; it happened pretty quick,” Cantrell said.

Cantrell praised God for how everything fell into place and how becoming lead pastor was part of His plan.

“It really just has been a God thing, because the way it all came together and how quick it was brought together has just been amazing,” Cantrell said.

Cantrell also praised the church for being so welcoming and supportive.

“The people here have been incredible and have already welcomed us so much,” Cantrell said. “We already feel like we are a part of the church. We are just so excited to have the opportunity to work with a large group of people to serve Sikeston.”

Cantrell expressed his excitement to be a part of a church community that is ready to serve the community of Sikeston.

Cantrell became pastor of the church right after the tornado hit Sikeston, and he said the church has already been a big help to the community by allowing the Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief Team to be housed at the church. 

“The Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief Team has been housed here at First Baptist Church,” Cantrell said. “The team has been going around and helping people with getting trees and limbs out of their yards and cleaning up. They have done so much and we really appreciate everything they have been doing.”

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