Sikeston library will host ‘Junior Jaycee Round Up’

Friday, June 21, 2024

SIKESTON — Children who want to learn more about the upcoming Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo can do so Saturday, June 22 at the Sikeston Public Library.

Kelly Knight, Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo Grounds employee, said the event, “Junior Jaycee Round Up,” will begin at 10 a.m. and is free. Knight said the event is open to children of all ages.

“We are going to be talking about things all rodeo,” Knight said. “Why do the cowboys wear what they wear, how did the rodeo get started, about how the Jaycees put this event on for the community.”

Former rodeo general chairman Justin Wibbenmeyer will be in attendance and dressed in cowboy attire.

Knight said attendees will discuss a few events the children will see at the rodeo, such as bareback riding and bull riding.

According to Knight, they will also talk about the mutton bustin’ event, and Wibbenmeyer’s son, Lane Wibbenmeyer, will be there to help.

“Lane is our resident sheep fighter as we call him,” Knight said. “He always helps the kids get on and off the sheep.”

Knight encouraged children to sign up for the mutton busti’ event via the rodeo website.

“The first 60 to sign up are able to compete, and we have a few more spots left,” Knight said. 

Children who enter the mutton bustin’ event will compete after the Sikeston Rodeo parade on Aug. 3 at Sikeston Depot Museum parking lot in Historic Downtown Sikeston. Registration costs $10. Children must be between 4 and 7 years old by Aug. 3.

Knight explained the mutton bustin’ process. 

“In the first round, all 60 kids will compete Aug. 3, and then the top 18 will be picked to compete in the second round at the rodeo grounds,” Knight said. “This year, we will then take those top 18 and break them down into six on Wednesday night, Aug, 7; six on Thursday night, Aug. 8; and the last six on Friday night, Aug. 9.”

According to Knight, the top two from each night will advance to the championship night, the final night of rodeo on Saturday, Aug. 10.

Knight expressed excitement about Junior Jaycee Round Up and hopes to teach children more about the rodeo. She said they wanted to do something in the community to help children become involved in rodeo.

“As a kid, you come out to the rodeo, and not all of the children really know what’s going on,” Knight said. “So, we decided to have this at the library where kids of all ages can come and hear about the events they will see like bareback riding. 

Knight continued: “Bareback-riding cowboys don’t have a saddle; they have to have their hands up and have to ride for eight seconds and explaining things like that to the children in the community is important.”

To sign up for mutton bustin’, visit the Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo website,

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