__Where are the cartoons?__
Yes, I’m wondering what happened to the cartoons in the Sunday paper?
Due to rising costs to print the special Sunday comics section, we had to make the decision to move the comics inside the paper.
__Close the borders__
Wake up, America. You need to vote in November for Trump whether you like him or not. We want to keep our country safe, close our dad-gum borders. I see now where Biden and the Democarts are going to give all these illegal immigrants citizenship so they can vote now. Who do you think they are going to vote for? The Democrats. Because they are getting everything for free. They need to help our own people, not the illegals. Close the borders.
__That’s government__
The federal government, they just have to control Americans. Don’t matter if it’s about the money or anything. Now the weight loss. They got to sit there and say the weight-loss drug caused this, caused that. Every pill or every medicine you take has side effects. The government always tries to control us. We are slaves to the government. And to people who say that we ain’t slaves, they are full of crap. That’s all we are. Just like the marijuana. I don’t do it, but, hey, I think it should be legal to a point like it is right now. But they keep messing with it because Americans are happy. They’d rather bring in illegal immigrants, give them $1,200 a month, and keep us poor Americans down to $900 a month. That’s the government for America. And yes, most of the poor Americans does pay taxes.