Scott County History Society honors its longtime treasurer

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

BENTON, Mo. — Scott County History Society’s treasurer, Margaret Heuring of New Hamburg, Missouri, has been elected for another term.

Officers and board members of the Society, formerly known as the Scott County Historical Society, commended Heuring on her service to the organization. Heuring was awarded a plaque recognizing her 12 years of service as treasurer during the group’s most recent meeting on June 19.

Heuring has been a member of the Society for even more years.

Susan Bailey, president of the Society, said Heuring has been a driving force in the Society, and members feel the society would be at a such a loss without her.

“Margaret has a reputation for a quick wit and equally quick aptitude for numbers,” Bailey said. “She has been the backbone of the Society for years. She works tirelessly in so many roles and her dedication is unmatched. I don’t know what I would do without her by my side in the role as treasurer.”

Heuring has been involved in many projects with the Society and has had a guiding hand in many of its foundational traditions, according to Bailey. She has never been short of great ideas and has helped on numerous projects including the Rural School House book, and, most recently, The Scott County History/Families book Bicentennial Edition. Heuring has always been present at the Monday library committee gatherings at Riverside Regional Library in Benton where she and other members worked tirelessly on organizing the research room and other projects.

She has always been at the helm of communication when someone needed help in researching their family roots, according to Bailey.

“She never hesitated to go the extra mile to meet them at the library and help them research. Her interest in their stories being equal to her own. She has always monitored the Society’s postal mailbox and responded to any and all correspondence,” Bailey said.

In recent years, this has also included the Society’s email account.

Until recently, Heuring was responsible, for all of the content and publication of the quarterly newsletter.

“They were always interesting and fun to read,” Bailey said. “She could always be found at the membership meetings taking pictures of everyone to include as content for the newsletter. She never missed a beat when including a story or a memory of someone important to the group.”

Most notably, for the past several years, Heuring has been responsible for the coordination and decorating of the veterans Christmas tree at the Scott County Courthouse in Benton.

“This is something she is passionate about and the tree is always interesting with photos hung of Scott County citizens who have served in the military,” Bailey said. “Anyone who knows Margaret and her work for the society would know that there are so many other contributions that she makes to the Society and ultimately the community.”

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