
Matthew Berry

A Concord Minute

The Rev. Matthew Berry is pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church in Sikeston, Missouri. Based in the Historic North End of Sikeston, Concordia has served Sikeston for over 100 years. Concordia is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS), a theologically conservative, biblically sound, Christ-centered church.


Concord Minute: Trust in King Jesus

Friday, July 19, 2024

“Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. When his breath departs, he returns to the earth; on that very day his plans perish… The LORD will reign forever, your God, O Zion, to all generations. Praise the LORD!” - Psalm 146:3-4, 10

The week of July 14 has presented another turning point in American politics. In one short week, America has witnessed the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, President Biden’s interview with Lester Holt of NBC News, and the Republican National Convention. Rhetoric has bubbled over into shocking scenes on the TV screen. Posts on social media connect former President Trump’s ear wound to Levitical codes. Many see a Messiah to deliver America into greatness again. What to make of all of this as a Christian?

Put not your trust (faith) in princes, the psalmist writes. Don’t get so caught up in who might be president (or whatever office he/she might assume post-election). Those people are at the end of the day, human. The bandage on Trump’s ear tells us as much. These people might have more power than you or I, but they are at the end of the day human. These politicians are not gods. They cannot create the heavens and the earth. These politicians cannot save you. These politicians cannot cause God to forgive you of your sin. Only the LORD can. Only Jesus.

Lest we Christians forget, Jesus ascended to His Father’s throne in heaven. Jesus reigns right now as king of ALL creation. Jesus is more powerful, more devoted to you, more in control than any politician might seem to you. Jesus has your best interests at heart, He has your life in His grip. Jesus is the sole ruler we should be putting in our trust. Trust in King Jesus, not whoever is on the ballot this November. For sure, the government is an extension of Christ’s left hand as He tends to His creation. But the government nor the people who assume office therein should receive our faith in them. Respect, yes. Prayers, yes. But our faith? No. Only Jesus gets our faith. Only Jesus should receive our full trust and belief. After all, Jesus is the one who is our salvation, our rock and redeemer.

So, in these gray and latter days as the general election kicks off, this column invites you to consider putting your faith in Jesus, not whomever is running for office. It is too easy to place our trust in princes, in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation. It is too easy to vote away our faith when we should reserve that faith for Jesus. Politicians come and go, but the LORD lives forever. Trust in King Jesus. In Jesus’ grip, the creation is in good hands. In Jesus’ grip, you are in good hands.

The Rev. Matthew Berry is pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church in Sikeston, Missouri. Based in Sikeston’s Historic North End, Concordia is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS), a theologically conservative, biblically sound, Christ-centered church.

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