Q&A: Two seek New Madrid County sheriff post on GOP ballot

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

NEW MADRID, Mo. — New Madrid County residents choosing a Republican ballot when they go to the polls Tuesday, Aug. 6, will select the next sheriff of New Madrid County.

Running in the only contested countywide race are Chris Hensley and Joey Higgerson. No Democrats are seeking the office.

To help voters get to know the candidates, the Weekly Record has compiled information in a question-and-answer format. The following responses were provided by the candidates.


Hensley: My wife, Shelly, and I have two children – Sydney, who is 19 and will be starting her second year of college, and Morgan, who is 12 and will be a seventh grader this year. We have lived in Morehouse, Missouri, for over 21 years. I have been with the New Madrid County Sheriff’s Department for 27 years, starting out as a jailer, then an investigator and then assigned to the SEMO Drug Task Force for 14 years. I was promoted to chief deputy for seven years. I am also a charter member of the Southeast Missouri Major Case Squad.

Higgerson:My name is Joey Higgerson and I am a lifelong resident of New Madrid County. I graduated from New Madrid County Central High School and have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from Hannibal-LaGrange University. I have over 20 years of experience in law enforcement and have been the chief of police in New Madrid for over 10 years. I have been married to my high school sweetheart Jamie (Ferguson) for almost 20 years and she is employed as the secretary at NMCC Middle School. We have a son and daughter who both attend New Madrid County Central.

What do you think the biggest issue the sheriff is likely to face during your term if elected?

Higgerson: There are several issues facing the incoming New Madrid County Sheriff. First, the new sheriff must work to fix broken relationships with municipalities, schools, and police departments throughout the county. Second, the New Madrid County Sheriff’s Department needs a cultural change, with deputies being held accountable for their actions while working for a sheriff who leads them by example. Finally, and most importantly, the new sheriff will need to work hard to regain the trust and confidence of the citizens of New Madrid County; this can only be done through transparency and hard work.

Hensley: I believe that the biggest issue that I will face if I am elected sheriff of New Madrid County will be the budget. New Madrid County law enforcement officers deserve increased staffing, fair compensation, and proper working equipment. Without these things, the citizens are left unprotected. If elected, I will actively be involved in regular conversations with our elected county commissioners. I intend these discussions to be constructive and for the betterment of the New Madrid County Sheriff’s Office, its employees, and most importantly, the citizens of New Madrid County.

What issues do you think are the most important to the county?

Hensley: I believe, with fewer deputies employed at New Madrid County Sheriff’s Office this year, safety is the most important issue for the citizens. During my 27 years in law enforcement, I have worked and formed relationships with other county, state, and federal agencies. I plan to utilize those relationships to combat crime and the illegal drugs that are being trafficked in New Madrid County. I also believe transparency and accountability is an issue that will be resolved by an advisory council.

Higgerson: Drug sales and use, which ultimately lead to thefts and violence, are two of the most important issues we are facing. In addition, rural and agricultural thefts are still prevalent throughout the county, particularly in areas west of Interstate 55. Finally, crime is out of control in places like Lilbourn and Marston where there is no full-time police department, and the new sheriff needs to be proactive in his approach to these areas. Speaking from experience, a good portion of the crime in New Madrid and Portageville is committed by people who live in towns with no law enforcement presence.

If elected, what are your goals?

Higgerson: If elected, my first priority is to turn the New Madrid County Sheriff’s Department into an efficient, professional agency in both appearance and function. I plan to immediately take action to reduce crime in all areas of the county that have no police presence, and dramatically increase the visibility of deputies throughout the county. I also plan on drawing from my years of experience networking within the county to reach out to community stakeholders in schools, municipalities, police departments, fire departments, courts, businesses, and health care in order to repair the sheriff’s department’s working relationship with these entities.

Hensley: If elected, my first goal is to increase staff, so there is more police presence in the communities to aid in crime prevention and swift emergency responses. I am dedicated to forming an advisory council to develop community-based solutions while becoming a more transparent and accountable department. I believe we must be diligent and proactive early in our children’s lives. There is a direct relationship between drug use and criminal behavior as well as the dangers of addiction, injury and death. I plan to build programs for our youth and support our local rehabilitation groups.

Why should the voters pick you?

Hensley: I have dedicated more than two decades to protecting the residents of New Madrid County and almost another one as chief deputy. I am a charter member of the SEMO Major Case Squad. I have traveled across the nation investigating violent and drug-related crimes that affected the citizens of New Madrid County. I have the training and experience in areas such as drug trafficking, processing meth labs, investigating murders, writing and executing search warrants, as well as the passion it takes to be sheriff of New Madrid County. As your sheriff, the safety of all New Madrid County citizens will be my top priority. I will always hold criminals accountable for their actions and ensure all citizens feel respected and protected. I pledge to have an open-door policy for everyone. As a citizen, if you have a problem or concern, I want to do everything I can to help. If you cannot make it to me, as in the past, I will come to you. If anyone has any further comments or questions, please contact me at (573)380-5060 or chrishensley4newmadridsheriff@gmail.com. I cannot express enough my gratitude to have your consideration, vote, and support on Tuesday, August 6th, 2024.

Higgerson: The voters of New Madrid County now have a chance to make a real change in the Sheriff’s Office unlike any other in the last 20 years. For 20 years, we have employed the same methods while losing some of our most valuable personnel to other agencies around us. The choice in this election really comes down to this: do we keep doing things the same way because “that’s the way we’ve always done it,” or do we want change for the better? In my time as the chief of police in New Madrid, I have not demanded respect from our citizens, but I have taken the time to earn it. If elected I intend to earn the respect of the citizens of New Madrid County in the same way, by being a hard-working, proactive sheriff who is visible in the community. I plan on crafting a professional force of trained deputies who I lead by example and who realize they serve the citizens of New Madrid County. For these reasons, I feel like I am the best candidate for the job and I ask for your vote on August 6th to be your next sheriff.

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The polls in New Madrid County will be open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Aug. 6.

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