City council OKs resolution supporting Ventura Industries

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

SIKESTON — Sikeston City Council has approved a resolution supporting Ventura Industries LLC’s application for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program.

“The Ventura Industries LLC has entered into a purchase option agreement with the LCRA (Land Clearance Redevelopment Authority),” SIkeston City Manager Jonathan Douglass said Monday, Aug. 26 during Council’s regular meeting.

Douglass said the project will be known as Prosperity Pointe and will use approximately 34 lots acquired from the LCRA. 

“This is to build single-family rent-to-own homes on these LCRA lots under the low-income housing tax credit program,” Douglass said. 

According to Douglass, the renter could then buy the homes at a reduced price after 15 years.

Zach Ventura with  Ventura Industries said, the homes will have three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a single-car garage and range in size from 1,100 to 1,200 square feet. 

During the meeting, Council also heard the first reading of a bill, if approved at the Sept. 3 meeting, will authorize the city to execute a municipal agreement, deed, and donation letter for Missouri Department of Transportation, which is planning to improve the intersection of HH and North Ingram.

“This is something they have been talking about for a while now,” said Jay Lancaster, public works director for Sikeston.

Lancaster said this improvement will require work on the city right-of-way as well as the acquiring of additional right-of-way by MoDOT. 

“This requires the municipal agreement, a deed and a donation letter waiving appraisal,” Lancaster said.

Lancaster said he’d be happy to answer any questions.

City council member David Teachout asked about when they planned to begin the process.

Lancaster said they will be working on it next year. 

“MoDOT knows and fully understands that the rodeo and other events out at the rodeo grounds are something that need to be accommodated and not hurt it,” Lancaster said.

Council also awarded a $40,900 bid to Bootheel Fence Company of Cape Girardeau to repair the VFW Memorial Stadium fence.

“As of now, most are aware that during the tornado back in May, the fencing at the VFW ballpark was severally damaged,” Lancaster said. “Along with a light pole and our concession stand. We are already making concession stand improvements and we should be ordering a new light soon once we work through that with FEMA.”

Lancaster said they had only received one bid for fencing replacement and that it was not budgeted. 

The city council authorized the city’s acceptance and implementation of the ARPA State and Local First Responder Grant for FY2024.

“In early 2024, we learned that the portable radios that every officer carries on them at DPS have reached their end-of-service life through Motorola, which caused us problems,” said Sikeston DPS Chief Jim McMillen.

McMillen said one of the problems now is the radios are about $660 a piece. 

“We just are asking to purchase 80 portable radios that will replace the old radios that are no longer supported by the manufacturer,” McMillen said. 

McMillen said the radios that they have now are out of service so the need for new radios is necessary. 

The grant requires a 50% match of funds. The total purchase amount will be $528,172, with the city matching $264,086. The city will cover the cost with funds from the 911 communications budget. This purchase will replace roughly half of the radio fleet.

Sikeston Mayor Greg Turnbow also reminded everyone of the Return to Sunset celebration that will be held this weekend,

“It’s a pretty big event and is pretty fun so I would like to encourage everyone to go check it out,” Turnbow said.

In other action by the council:

— A public hearing was held on the 2024 tax rate. The 2024 tax rates will be: General $0.4197, Park $0.1829, and Library $0.200. There were no public comments.

Council approved the new 2024 tax rate.

— Council authorized the purchase of broadcasting/video streaming equipment and installation for the City Council Chambers from ServeTech AV for $34,199. 

— Silverline Trailers won a bid from Council for a tandem dump trailer for Community Development for $11,900. The LCRA will reimburse the city for the cost of the trailer, which will be used to clean up LCRA lots and other nuisance lots throughout the city.

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