New Madrid County R-1 District working with law enforcement to ensure school safety

Monday, September 23, 2024

NEW MADRID, Mo. — Following the September New Madrid County R-1 School Board meeting, Superintendent Bridgett Masterson addressed the recent spike in school threats.

While there were no threats directed specifically at the schools in the R-1 District, Masterson said the District remains proactive in protecting students and staff.

Following the first round of threats, the District conducted metal detector and bag checks as part of their efforts to maintain safety. According to Masterson no unlawful items were found.

“We are pleased to be working with law enforcement and feel confident we are doing everything possible to maintain a safe, secure and welcoming environment for our students,” she said.

School officials are also working in partnership with local law enforcement on returning the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program to the classrooms.

Approval was given at the September meeting by the Board to allow the DARE program to be presented to students in the fifth grade. A deputy with the New Madrid County Sheriff’s Department, who is DARE certified, will provide the instruction to students.

“We are very glad to see the program come back,” Masterson said. “In this day and age it is well worth the time to get this message out to our children.”

Jared Shackleford, Central High School principal, discussed an alternative graduation date for students at the Central High School and the Alternative School.

Masterson said several ideas were considered about moving Central High School’s graduation date from a Tuesday night. A vote is expected at the October meeting on whether to change the date.

In other action:

• Lindsey Carlisle updated the Board on the Parents as Teachers program and kindergarten readiness within the PAT program. In addition Sarah Jamerson, Caitlin Pavy and Christie Kenedy reported to the Board regarding kindergarten readiness as measured by Dial 4, a Title 1 required test.

The Superintendent noted literacy and learning preparedness are part of the District’s Comprehensive School Improvement Plan goals and said the Board was pleased to learn of the readiness of a majority of students.

• The Board adopted the Model Compliance Plan made available by Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, which requires the annual adoption of a plan.

• Approval was given for the 2024-2025 Assessment Plan/Testing calendar. Masterson said the testing schedule remains similar to previous years.

• Under personnel, the Board accepted the resignation of Jared Shackleford as National Honor Society sponsor at Central High School. Amy McElveen was employed to take over the duties.

Also employed were Jordan York as Central Middle School yearbook sponsor, Jeff Mansfield as Quiz Bowl sponsor, Shane Howell as FBLA sponsor and James Davis as bus driver. Dylan Johnson was transferred from teacher assistant to social studies teacher at Central High School.

• After the Board approved the purchase of the Missouri School Board Association’s full maintenance policy service for Sept.1 through Aug. 31, 2025, several policies were updated as recommended by the MSBA to ensure these meet state and federal guidelines. Updated were policies related to school admissions, eligibility to enroll and school records.

Additionally a policy was updated to include Masterson as the compliance officer at email: and Director of Special Education Justin Poley as the acting compliance officer at email:

• A facility usage request from Missouri TaeKwondo to use the New Madrid Elementary gym from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 15 was approved.

• The Board gifted an AED LifePak to Immaculate Conception Catholic School.

• The Notice of Revisions to the Second Amendment to the Sikeston 60 West Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Plan was reviewed.

Board member Aaron Griffin is serving on the TIFF committee, Masterson noted.

“We are relying on Aaron to represent our best interests,” she said. “So far the city of Sikeston has made some slight modifications.”

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