Letter to the Editor

Letter: Sikeston Thanksgiving Day meal will continue this year

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Dear Editor:

I remember the first time I heard about the Community Thanksgiving Dinner. My husband and I owned and operated Ridgeview Mini Mart. I had read an article in the Standard Democrat about this brave soul who was cooking Thanksgiving dinner for the elderly out of her small kitchen. I looked down at the smiling face in the paper and thought: “I wish I had that kind of faith and courage.”

Later that week, one of our farmer customers brought me two five-gallon buckets of turnips. I managed to give some of them away, but here I was with a mess of turnips and I didn’t even like them. I called that lady smiling at me from the paper, asking if she could use them for her dinner. That’s how I met Beverly Baker.

She was passionate when she told me how she wanted to provide some tradition for these people who were often forgotten by family, outlived friends, some of them stuck in nursing hiomes, where Thanksgiving was unfortunately, just another day.

Years later, in 2004, as a member of First Baptist Church, I was approached by Jim Leigh about reviving the Thanksgiving Dinner started by Beverly. Beverly had taken a break for the past two years. It seemed like a good idea so I gave Beverly a call. She had made arrangements to revive it herself and was in the planning stages when I offered her the First Baptist facilities and lots of help. That first year we served almost 300 people, and Beverly ask if I would like to take over the meal. I am so proud to have been the one she trusted to do this mission.

For two more years we operated out of First Baptist, then moved to the Shriner’s building, then to the new VFW building where we operated for the next 17 years. Last year we set a record, serving almost 900 people and sending leftovers to be used by others in need. It was my last year to coordinate the meal. The new coordinator will be Bo Ozment at the VFW. Bo has cooked and served many meals out ot the VFW. He will be doing things differenlty but he will do fine.

He will be sending out letters to the churches and organizations this year. They will still need canned goods, donations but they are to be taken to the VFW. One of the changes that will be made, the meal will be served at the VFW building for Sikeston residents. The only deliveries to be made are to Morehouse, Haywood City and Wendell Apartments in Sikeston.

Volunteers will still be needed to help prepare, serve and clean up after the meal. Desserts will also be needed and can be delivered to the VFW the day before and the morning of Thanksgiving.

For 20 years, I have made the dressing and for the past several years, Amy Nantz and her two daughters, Ashley and Erin, have helped. We will be volunteering for that task again this year and also help to debone turkeys.

Those making the deliveries have been doing so for years, you need to be at the VFW at 9:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day to start serving up your meals for delivery. At 10:30 a.m., those who want to take their meals home to eat may pick up takeout meals, and at 11:30 a.m., doors will be opened and Thanksgiving dinner will be served at the VFW hall. The meal is intended for the senior citizens but no one will be turned away.

Any questions may be directed to Bo Ozment 573-380-6969. Periodic updates will be made.

Thank you for your past help and please continue to help in the future. I don’t want this meal to be discontinued.


Marlene Stevens

Sikeston, Missouri