Mo. voters to decide fate of medical marijuana
(Editorial ~ 09/08/18)
When voters go to the polls come November, the spotlight will clearly fall on the race for the United States Senate between incumbent Claire McCaskill and Attorney General Josh Hawley. Getting limited fanfare is a ballot issue —or perhaps three ballot issues — to legalize medical marijuana in Missouri. Although it’s somewhat confusing, as of today there are three separate ballot initiatives that would make medical marijuana available to some patients with specific ailments. All three measures have the same basic premise but each would allocate the tax funds from the measure for different purposes.
(Opinion ~ 09/08/18)
I’d like to go before the city council to see if my social security income could increase like BMU. My Medicare supplement just went up to over $300 each month right after my social security check deposited. Nobody asked me if they could. Each week I check on food list to see if each thing on my list is really necessary at this time. BMU should cut some of their expenses to get by like we do each and every day since getting on social security. Live with it. If I’m late paying my BMU bill each month, you get the credit for that if this passes. By the way, when can I expect lunch with you? Thanks.
Stories from Saturday, September 8, 2018
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