For every action, an overreaction

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

I love the weeks where you can just put up the remote control, grab some popcorn and watch as the country overreacts to one situation after another. And with social media it is a non-stop barrage of one overreaction after the other.

First we had the Confederate flag craziness. We were all left searching for answers when a 21-year-old white man went to a black church, sat for an hour with them in a prayer meeting before killing nine in hopes of starting a race war.

In a search for those answers, people turned to the fact the Confederate flag flew at the South Carolina state capitol and the talk began that the flag must be taken down not just from the state capitol but from all buildings all across the country. It isn't an overreaction at all because obviously taking down all the Confederate flags will stop racism. Why didn't someone think about that in the 1960s?

I have no problem if a state wants to fly a Confederate flag. It is a part of history that for good or bad doesn't need to be forgotten. I'm educated enough to know that the Civil War wasn't fought just for the abolishment of slavery. Southern states also thought they had the right to secede and were wanting to do so because of the tariffs they were having to endure. It wasn't all about slavery.

However, I also have no problem if a state wants to remove a Confederate flag. I realize how flying that flag may be perceived. I'm sorry but I don't think somebody proudly displaying the Confederate flag saying "the South will rise again" is necessarily talking about states rights.

I'm fine with whatever states decide to do and I'm not going to overreact just because some politicians seeking some cheap political points can't let it go. But many on social media are up in arms about the "abomination" of the flag and the removal of it. But the overreaction to the flag was just a preview for what was to come late last week. It was like the Confederate flag threw up a bag of Skittles.

You see, apparently Christianity is no more. At least that's the reaction I saw from many after the Supreme Court ruling that allows gay marriage. I was expecting to look out my window and see fire falling from the sky and the Earth crumbling. Only I looked outside and saw the sun shining brightly. Hmmm.

I'm not so sure why people are so upset. Do we all have to become homosexual now? Do we have to rewrite the Bible? Is there no longer a separation of church and state?

There are many things in our society that we allow, while the Bible tells us it is wrong. Pornography is legal but we aren't forced to watch it. In the Bible adulterers are said to be put to death but there are adulterers who sit in church pews every Sunday. In Deuteronomy it even says that if a child disobeys a parent they shall be stoned. We can't even spank children anymore.

It seems to me if gay marriage is wrong then they will be judged by God. I know I'm not morally superior enough to be judging others. It seems there are plenty of others who will do that for me.

We live in a world where hate is in full supply. Just ask the people of South Carolina. So when I see a couple who have found happiness and love, I don't care if they are homosexual or not, I am happy for them. The world has enough hate.

What do I know though? According to social media, the United States of America is going to hell in a handbasket. All I know is I am going to have to grab some more popcorn because I can't wait to see how we overreact next.

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