CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. — The following students from Scott, New Madrid, Mississippi and Stoddard Counties have been named to the fall 2024 Dean’s List at Southeast Missouri State University.
Aden, Beau of Charleston
Ahrens, Destiny of Dexter
Allen, Jackson of Bloomfield
Backfisch, Landon of Benton
Ballance, Brendan of Dexter
Barber, Drew of Sikeston
Barnfield, Cole of Puxico
Beavers, Leia of Lilbourn
Beggs, Taylor of Sikeston
Bell, Jerry of Advance
Bell, Molly of Scott City
Below, Alandry of Advance
Bennett, Alexis of Dexter
Bennett, Tanner of Charleston
Beussink, Brenden of Scott City
Biler, Katie of Sikeston
Birk, Adam of Charleston
Blankenship, Addison of Scott City
Blankenship, Kristan of Scott City
Blunt, Tabitha of Benton, Bogan, Mekhia of East Prairie
Bollinger, Nicholas of Scott City
Bollinger, Rylan of Scott City
Book, Emily of Scott City
Bowling, CJ of Dexter
Brashear, Caroline of Oran
Breece, Grant of Gideon
Bright, Eli of East Prairie
Bright, Elyssa of Sikeston
Brown, Bailey of Sikeston
Buchanan, Brendan of Gideon
Buchanan, Jayden of Gideon
Burden, Gavin of Chaffee
Burnett, Allie of Chaffee
Butler, Kayleigh of Sikeston
Calhoun, Zoe of Chaffee
Casey, Alyssa of Bertrand
Chappell, Kinleigh of Sikeston
Chism, Chelsey of Bloomfield
Clark, Audrie of Dudley
Clark, Christina of Sikeston
Collier, Layne of Benton
Cooksey, Delaney of Matthews
Cork, Carolyne of Benton
Coyner, Arielle of Dexter
Crank, Jaci of Benton
Daniel, Allie of Benton
Daniel, Lucas of Bell City
Davis, Catie of Chaffee
Davis, Jonathan of Scott City,
Davis, Kate of Sikeston
Dawson, Emily of Portageville
DeHart, Dalton of Scott City
DeLay, Larry of Advance
Delrosa, Tyler of Scott City
Deshaney, Abigail of Sikeston
Dirnberger, Nick of Benton
Duenne, Emma of Benton
Duffield, Annabelle of Benton,
Dunlap, Rachel of Charleston,
Dunlap, Zee of Charleston
Durham, Destiny of Dexter,
Eaves, Allie of East Prairie
Elfrink, Savannah of Scott City
Elsworth, Zeb of Puxico
Evans, Jack of Sikeston
Faire, Andrew of Sikeston
Featherston, Jacy of Charleston
Ferrell, Taylor of Benton
Finch, Makayla of Dexter,
Finch, Matt of Dexter
Fodge, Caroline of Sikeston
Ford, Haley of Wardell
Fowler, Sophia of Oran
Freeman, Elijah of Dexter
French, Sierra of Charleston
Frizzell, Alyssa of Dexter
Glueck, Jenny of Chaffee
Glueck, Maddy of Chaffee
Goins, Fisher of Dexter
Goins, Griffin of Dexter
Golden, Ja’Mian of Howardville
Green, Kaleigh of East Prairie
Green, Shanna of Dexter
Griffin, Destiny of Puxico
Grobe, Evan of Dexter
Guenther, Candice of Parma
Guthrie, Rylee of Benton
Hadley, Alisha of Sikeston
Haines, JC of Sikeston
Hamm, Chloe of Portageville
Harris, Breyden of Oran
Harris, Gerica of Dexter
Harris, Jake of Dexter
Hawkins, Mallory of Bloomfield
Hayes, Dalton of Risco,
Hellebusch, Abby of Sikeston
Hemingway, Ian of Chaffee
Heuring, Mallory of Benton
Hill, Mackenzie of Bernie
Hilsgen, Lukas of Scott City
Hobbs, Taylor of Dudley
Hodge, Mikayla of Puxico
Holden, Jordan of Dexter
Holt, Lisa of Essex
Horman, Griffin of Chaffee
Hudgens-Sills, Ashlynn of Dudley
Hughes, Kate of Oran
Hulshof, Abby of Benton
Hunter, Ben of Bloomfield
Hutchason, Saylor of East Prairie
Hutchcraft, Dakota of Puxico
James, Jordan of Sikeston
Jansen, Kristen of Kelso
Jarrell, Hannah of Dexter
Jarrett, Dylan of Chaffee
Jenkins, Chloe of Sikeston
Jenkins, McKenna of Sikeston
Job, Kelsie of Scott City
Johnson, Tamyia of Sikeston
Jones, Samuel of Puxico
Kavan, Chayse of East Prairie
Kemp, Alexia of Essex
Kenedy, Evan of East Prairie
King, Aleya of Sikeston
Kluesner, Dallas of Oran
Lacey, Keaton of Scott City
Lane, Joseph of Bloomfield
Laramore, Lexie of Dexter
Latham, Hannah of Scott City
Lawrence, Ahnna of Sikeston
Lee, Alliye of Dexter
LeGrand, Dylan of Scott City
Lejeune, Lonnie of Sikeston
Lewis, Sydney of Scott City
Linne, Faith of Chaffee
Love, Tyesha of Clarkton
Lunn, Erin of Dexter
Madigan, Amber of Dexter
Madigan, Jonathan of Sikeston
Majors, Allison of Benton
Mason, Misty of Scott City
Matheney, Lilly of East Prairie
Mayabb, Shelby of Essex
McBride, Magi of Dexter
McClain, Joel of Blodgett
McCollom, Chelsea of Bloomfield
McCollom, Matt of Bloomfield
McCord, Madeline of Sikeston
McDonough, Kollin of Sikeston
McElveen, Sawyer of New Madrid
Meadows, Kaylee of Bernie
Mikels, Mikayla of Advance
Miller, Alison of East Prairie
Mize, Zavior of Sikeston
Moore, Logan of Bernie
Morgan, Makayla of Benton
Morris, Bridgett of Scott City
Nichols, Addison of Oran
Nix, Andrew of Chaffee
O’Dell, Lydia of Puxico
Partenberry, Abbigale of Essex
avelka, Jordan of Sikeston
Pearson, Julianna of East Prairie
Pearson, Kaidyn of Sikeston
Peterson, Luke of Oran
Phelps, Bryce of Sikeston
Phillips, Heather of Scott City
Phillips, Karsynn of Dexter
Pickett, Jolie of Advance
Pixley, Victoria of Advance
Poe, Hayleigh of Bloomfield
Posey, David of Chaffee
Powers, Jodi of Morley
Pratt, Austin of Dexter
Price, Gavin of Benton
Priggel, Sophie of Chaffee
Propst, Kyla of Dexter,
Ressel, Harley of Chaffee
Riggs, Lauren of New Madrid
Roberts, Kayden of Scott City
Robinson, Layne of Kelso
Robison, Caleb of Puxico
Robison, Zoe of Sikeston
Rodgers, Kelbey of Zalma
Rudisill, Amy of Sikeston
Sanders, Jalina of Sikeston
Sanders, Jesse of Scott City
Scherer, Kenzie of Scott City
Schrumpf, Ben of Sikeston
Seabaugh, Tony of Scott City
Seyer, Elleigh of Chaffee
Seyer, Luke of Chaffee
Shelby, Kaylee of Sikeston
Shelton, Sarah of Portageville
Shoemaker, Taryn of East Prairie
Sinks, Tyrion of Charleston
Smith, Hunter of Benton
Smith, Savannah of Sikeston,
Spane, Alyssa of Oran
Spies, Anna of Chaffee
Spies, Phillip of Chaffee
Staples, Landry of East Prairie
Streeter, Ainsley of Oran
Strohmeyer, Tori of Chaffee
Stroup, Shelby of Scott City
Stucker, Blake of Essex
Sutton, Emmy of East Prairie
Swain, Reagan of Sikeston
Swift, Zach of Clarkton
Tankersley, Lydia of Perkins
Taylor, Jacob of Puxico
Taylor, Rylee of Dexter
Thomas, Danielle of Chaffee
Thomas, Layla of Puxico
Thompson, Aidan of Scott City
Tolbert, Eric of Chaffee
Tollison, Logan of Bertrand,
Tyra, Christopher of Essex
Vandeven, Trinity of Chaffee
VanGennip, Andrea of Oran
Vaughn, Bryant of Bloomfield
Vazquez, Vanessa of East Prairie
Vinson, Jerzey of East Prairie
Wells, Stacy of Oran
Wheatley, Kenna of East Prairie
White, Colton of Advance
Wicker, Katie of East Prairie
Williams, Tara of Dexter
Williams, Teyarah of Charleston
Williamson, Gabe of Puxico
Woodall, Sam of Oran
Woodfin, Hope of Oran
Yant, Ali-Brooke of Sikeston
Young, Riley of Parma