(Opinion ~ 08/11/21)
I wonder when the city is going to contact the state or whoever they need to about putting a sign or barricades there at Selma and Malone. People making a right turn on the shoulder. It’s not a right turn. It’s been discussed in the paper I don’t know how many times. They are doing the same thing, making a right turn off South Main into Aldi on the shoulder, which is also not a right turn lane. I know DPS is short-staffed but maybe if DPS starts giving some tickets these issues would stop. The state apparently doesn’t care anything it. I was just wondering if the city can make the state do something about it.
Outstanding Safety Officer
(Community News ~ 08/11/21)
Sgt. Jerence Dial was chosen as Outstanding Safety Officer of the quarter by Sikeston Department of Public Safety and the Sikeston Kiwanis Club. Pictured are, from left: Sikeston DPS Chief James McMillen, Dial and Kiwanis President Jenny Hobeck.
Kiwanis donates to Bulldog Pantry
(Community News ~ 08/11/21)
The Sikeston Kiwanis Club recently made a donation to the Sikeston Bulldog Pantry. Pictured are, from left: Brent Mullin and Lynne DeWitt with the Bulldog Pantry and Jenny Hobeck and Rhonda Bonds with Kiwanis.
Lending support
(Community News ~ 08/11/21)
Sikeston Public Library recently received a donation from the Sikeston Kiwanis Club. Pictured are, from left: Jenny Hobeck, Kiwanis; Ron Eifert, Sikeston Public Library; and Rhonda Bonds, Kiwanis.
Helping others
(Community News ~ 08/11/21)
Sikeston Kiwanis Club recently made a donation to to the Scott County Public Administration. The donation will be used to buy Christmas gifts for residents. Pictured are, from left: Jenny Hobeck, Kiwanis; Julie Crader Dolan, Scott County public administrator; and Rhonda Bonds, Kiwanis...
Outgoing commander recognized
(Community News ~ 08/11/21)
New officers were installed during the Sikeston American Legion Post 114’s July meeting. “With the Cotton Carnival and the barbecue cookoff just around the corner it is important the new team hits the ground running,” said outgoing commander James Walton. “The Sikeston American Legion Post 114 continues to be one of the top posts in Missouri with its support of veterans, veterans’ activities and the local Community.”...
New Legion officers
(Community News ~ 08/11/21)
Newly installed American Legion Post 114 officers are pictured, from left: Tommy Staggs, first vice commander; Frankie Adams, commander; Jaxon Wright, historian; Jerome Henson, Judge Advocate; Clifton Barnes Sargent At Arms; James Walton, Finance Officer. Not pictured are Ed Carr, adjutant; Blair Moran, service officer; Will Perry, chaplain; and Justin Hoots, second vice...
Southeast Missourians offer their views on earthquakes, preparedness, insurance
(Local News ~ 08/11/21)
By Jill Bock Standard Democrat NEW MADRID, Mo. - One of the questions that drew Brian Houston to the Bootheel was answered within two days. Houston, director of the University of Missouri Disaster and Community Crisis Center in Columbia, Mo.,, stopped first in Cape Girardeau, Mo., then in New Madrid to conduct focus groups with local homeowners. He explained he wanted to gain an understanding of how people in the area are aware of the threat of earthquakes and whether they are prepared for one...
Online enrollment underway for R-1 schools
NEW MADRID, Mo - While there is still time for students to enjoy their summer vacation, the New Madrid County R-1 School District is readying for the start of the 2021-22 school year on Aug. 23. All students must complete the yearly online registration before the first day of school on Aug. 23. Enrollment may be found by visiting www.nmceaglenation.com and selecting the parents tab then choosing student enrollment and clicking on register your student for school...
Street reconstruction
(Local News ~ 08/11/21)
Reconstruction of the intersection at Mill and Powell streets in New Madrid began Aug. 3. Once work on the storm drainage system is completed, the intersection will be overlaid with concrete.
Main Street to be closed for building demolition
(Column ~ 08/11/21)
NEW MADRID, Mo. - On Thursday, Aug. 5, at around noon, officers received a call about a car coming into town on Route U where a man and woman were fighting inside. An officer found the car on Dawson Road and made a traffic stop. The woman in the car said the man had assaulted her in Lilbourn and the man admitted that he had grabbed the woman’s hair...
Ribbon cutting — Poppy’s Coffee House
(Business ~ 08/11/21)
The New Madrid Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting July 26 to welcome Poppy’s Coffee House to the community. Owned by Corey and Gloria Houston, the business officially opened July 14 at 411 Highway 61 in New Madrid. From 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Saturday, customers will find a variety of specialty coffees, lattes, cappuccinos, smoothies, teas and fountain drinks along with freshly made muffins, cinnamon rolls, glazed donuts and breakfast sandwiches. ...
Community comes out to celebrate bicentennial
(Local News ~ 08/11/21)
SIKESTON — Communities all over Missouri took part in ice cream socials to celebrate the state’s bicentennial, and like a lot of communities, Sikeston’s event was a hit. “I think it went great,” said Kathy Medley, executive vice president of the Sikeston Regional Chamber and Economic Development. “It went even better than we anticipated for a Tuesday night event.”...
Brian Lewis
(Obituary ~ 08/11/21)
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Brian Lewis, age 43, passed away on July 11, 2021, at St Luke's Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri. Brian is the son of James "Joe" Lewis, formerly of New Madrid, Missouri, and grandson of Orbra and Dixie Shy Lewis (deceased) of New Madrid...
Stories from Wednesday, August 11, 2021
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