
Karen Dumey

Thought of the Week

The Rev. Karen Dumey is the pastor of Hunter Memorial First Presbyterian Church in Sikeston.


Keep praying, ask God to dwell in our hearts

Friday, September 15, 2023

I have long admired the life of a modern-day saint – Mother Teresa of Calcutta. One of my favorite quotes of hers is: “Prayer enlarges the heart until it is capable of containing God’s gift of himself.” In other words, it is through prayer and the marching of time that our soul’s are able to hopefully, one day, be completely filled by God. This fullness of God means that we have given 100% of ourselves – body, mind, and spirit – over to God. This is living in such a state of being that our will and God’s will are one and the same.

It is my own experience that this oneness of being with God is hard to accomplish. Even if we do pray and pray and one glorious day experience full union with God, it is difficult to remain in this perfect state. The next day, or even in the next moment, a little piece of our self-will nudges a little piece of God’s will out of our hearts. When the phone rings or a child runs in or when our minds start making a list of all we have to do, daily life rushes in and our bliss with God ebbs.

No matter how perfect or imperfect our relationship with God, we are to keep on praying and asking God to dwell in our hearts. We are to try and discern God’s will for our lives. We are to rely upon Jesus, who’s perfect will lead him to Calvary’s cross where he died for our sins, and whose resurrection granted us salvation. Let us never give up in molding our wills to God’s will, because even one fleeting moment of perfect union with God is a blessing greater than all the treasures this world holds.

“He said, ‘Father, if it’s your will, take this cup of suffering away from me. However, not my will but your will must be done.’”  Luke 22:42

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