Weekly RecordFebruary 22, 2025

Area archers from Southeast Missouri and Tennessee showcased their skills at the Riverbend Regional Archery Tournament. New Madrid County Central High School seniors were honored, and Portageville High School excelled in both 3-D and bull’s-eye events.

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NEW MADRID, Mo. - New Madrid County Central High School seniors Sophia Bobo, Adan Campbell, Slade Courtois and Peyton Davis were honored for their participation in the school’s varsity archery program during the Riverbend Regional Archery Tournament on Feb. 14.

The tournament was also an opportunity for archers from schools in Southeast Missouri and Tennessee to exhibit their prowess with bows and arrows.

Senior honors

Bobo, a first-year archery participant, is the daughter of Larry and Ashleigh Bobo. In addition to archery, Bobo is involved in National Art Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Beta Club and band and is on the honor roll. She plans to attend Urshan Bible College in the fall to earn a general education degree.

The daughter of Cletus and Joanna Ray, Campbell has participated in archery for four years and is also involved in Jazz Band, Concert Band, Marching Band, Choir, Drama Club, the VFW Auxiliary and the National Society of Leadership and Success. Campbell plans to attend Southeast Missouri State University to study cardiology.

A four-year archery participant and team co-captain, Courtois is also a member of the varsity baseball team. The son of David and Allison Courtois. he plans to study electrical distribution systems to become a lineman.

Davis, the son of Allison Wade and Jeff Davis, has participated in archery for seven years and is the team co-captain. Also a member of the varsity golf team, Davis plans to attend State Tech where he will study HVAC systems.

Area archers on target at the Riverbend Regional

Archers from Campbell, Gideon, Immaculate Conception School – Jackson, New Madrid County R-1, Notre Dame, Portageville School District, St. Ambrose, St. Augustine and St. Vincent-DePaul in Missouri and Covington, Tenn., took part in the Riverbend Regional Archery Tournament. The tournament featured two divisions, 3-D targets and a bull’s-eye event.

The 3-D tournament had 172 competitors with Portageville ending the day ranked as the No. 1 high school team followed by New Madrid County Central. On the middle school level, New Madrid County Central Middle School earned the top spot with Portageville Middle School, second, and St. Augustine, third.

Top honors for the high school individual male 3-D shooters went to Lanny Laws of Portageville. Second place for the high school males was won by NMCC’s J.C. Dowdy with Portageville’s Danny Taylor in third place.

NMCC’s Lizzie Cowan ranked No. 1 among the female individual 3-D shooters. Taking second and third were Portageville’s Leah Muller and Mia Scherer respectively.

In the middle school 3-D competition, Marcus Grandberry of NMCC Middle School was the top male individual shooter. Jackson Simmers from St. Augustine placed second and in third place was Andrew Johnson of Portageville.

St. Ambrose’s Rievly Grojean was the top 3-D middle school female archer with second place going to Ava Scherer of Portageville followed by Jill Polk of NMCC Middle School in third place.

Portageville High School placed first in the high school level bull’s eye competition followed by Covington High School in second place and New Madrid County Central High School in third place.

At the junior high level, the Portageville Middle School was the first place team. NMCC Middle School placed second and St. Augustine was third place.

NMCC’s Lucy Hunter took first place in the girls high school bull’s-eye competition. Earning second place in the girl’s competition was Portageville’s Leah Muller followed by Alison Garner of Gideon High School in third place.

Among the male competitors, Lanny Laws of Portageville High School won first followed by Connor LeLand, a student at Covington (Tenn.) High School in second and Jackson Wrather of Portageville High School, third.

Middle school individual girls honors went to Anna Vandeven of Immaculate Conception at Jackson, first place; Shelbi Benerbuegler, St. Augustine, second place; and Ava Scherer of Portageville, third place.

For the boys individual middle school bull’s-eye competition Marcus Grandberry of NMCC Middle School won first place with Joseph Ruch of Immaculate Conception at Jackson, second place; and Tyler Perry of NMCC Middle School, third place.

There were a total of 231 competitors in the bull’s-eye competition.
