80 Years Ago – Named as a New Madrid Women’s Club committee to solicit Defense Bond sales in a house-to-house campaign were Mrs. O.B. Chandler, Mrs. Cecil Mouser, Mrs. Jake Shainberg, Mrs. Howard Riley, Mrs. Bette Frankle, Mrs. Jesse Miles, Mrs. Alfred Stepp, Mrs. Leo Hedgepeth, Mrs. Helen Loud Jones, Mrs. J.P. Hunter, Mrs. S.L. Hunter and Miss Mildred Lewis.
80 Years Ago – The Record’s “Men in Service” column noted that Motor Machinist Mate Frank “Buddy” Basham was visiting relatives in New Madrid after more than two years sea duty with the Navy in the South Pacific; that Roy Allen Higgerson was receiving his initial training at the Naval Training Center at Great Lakes, Ill.; and that Charles C. Bock had received a medical discharge from the Navy following injuries received in a crash landing in the Pacific after about two years as a radio-gunner.
60 Years Ago – A four-inch blanket of snow covered New Madrid following a 10-hour snowfall Feb. 24 accompanied by a temperature of 14 degrees above zero.
60 Years Ago – Mouser’s Jack Sprat featured Libby’s chili with beans at four cans for 89 cents; King Mercantile advertised Betty Crocker cake mixes at 39 cents each and Cravens IGA offered three six-bottle cartons of Pepsi Cola for a dollar.
40 Years Ago – Becky Branum and Cindy Sharp were part of the 1984-85 Valentine Queen’s Court for the Pi Omicron Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority.
40 Years Ago – Portageville opponents of the New Madrid County R-1 School District Board of Education’s plan for additional construction at the Central High School site, filed a suit Feb. 8 to halt that action, but this week withdrew their suit, according to information obtained from the office of Circuit Clerk Van Sharp. The School District wants to construct a building which would include classrooms, cafeteria and gym facilities.
20 Years Ago – Four NMCC wrestlers competed in the Missouri State Wrestling Championship at the Mizzou arena. Senior Cole Burch, senior Delanio Tylor, sophomore Ryan Fowler and senior Demarkus Allison are the most wrestlers that NMCC has sent since Coach Arlen Pixley took over the program.
10 Years Ago –The Hoggard Farms were honored as the 2015 Conservation Farmer of the Year by the New Madrid Soil and Water Conservation District. On hand to accept the award were Todd Hoggard, Russ Hoggard, Missy Smith, Caleb Smith, Macie Hoggard, Mallary Hoggard, Russell Hoggard, Jeremy Freeman and Mandy Freeman.
10 Years Ago – Members of the New Madrid County R-1 Future Business Leaders of America Chapter recently attended the 2015 FBLA District 16 Leadership Conference. Among those winning recognition were Sidney Cummins, Sarah Hupp and Payton Jones who won first place in entrepreneurship and Jessye Griffin who won first place in client services.