80 Years Ago – Installed as officials of the New Madrid Masonic Lodge were Granville Mainord as worshipful master, Charles Griffy as senior warden, June Ransburgh as junior warden, C.M. Barnes as secretary, Jake Shainberg as treasurer, Leo Hedgepeth as senior deacon, Elihu Mills as junior deacon, Kenneth Byrd as senior steward, Robert Vann as junior steward, R.A. Yarbrough as chaplain, James Spradling as marshal and C.W. Jones as tiler.
80 Years Ago – The Record’s “Men in Service” column noted that Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown had received a Purple Heart award from the Navy Department, it having been awarded posthumously to their son, Oran “Puppy” Brown, who died in action in the Philippines in October; that Sgt. Wilson H. Lancaster had been killed in action with the Army Dec. 29 in Belgium; that Pvt. Clarence Gurnow of the United States Army had been awarded the Purple Heart for slight injuries he received in Luxembourg in December; and that Pvt. Robert V. Parker had been transferred by the Army from Fort Lewis, Wash., to Camp Beal, Calif.
60 Years Ago – In the Senior Spotlight this week were Peggy Sue Beaher and Gary LaVan Clark.
60 Years Ago – Cravens IGA had a special on two large heads of lettuce for 29 cents.
40 Years Ago – Miss Laura Shy was teaching at the university in Beijing, China, and wrote home describing their Christmas celebration.
20 Years Ago – The Immaculate Conception School Saints placed first in the Bootheel Catholic Basketball League’s B-Team competition and won the B-Team Tournament. Members of the team are Nathan Bock, Madalyn Dambach, Lofton Hayes, Reese Porter, Parker Whitehead, Patrick Hunter, Trey Recker, Dallas Campbell, Emma Karafa and Landon Poore.
20 Years Ago – Students of the month for December at New Madrid were Dawnisha Patterson and Gage Silman. Others nominated for the honor were: Bailey Halterman, Makenzie Palmer, Derrick Garmon and Noah Sprouse.
10 Years Ago – The city budget for 2015 includes funding for several infrastructure projects according to City Administrator Chad Eggen including the completion of a drainage ditch on the north side of town and the construction of a new pumping station. The construction of a new lagoon should be completed this year along with a much needed water tower on Route U.
10 Years Ago – At noon Jan. 7, Done Rone was sworn in to represent the 149th District in the 98th session of the Missouri State Legislature. His wife, Myra, and many other family members attended the ceremony at the State Capitol.