
Karen Dumey

Thought of the Week

The Rev. Karen Dumey is the pastor of Hunter Memorial First Presbyterian Church in Sikeston.


Do things that will fill you with joy

Friday, July 21, 2023

In my church office, I keep some items that just make me smile whenever I look at them, like my Moses bobblehead, and a molded image of Mary that you can press into your bread to make “holy toast.” At home I have two collections of rubber duckies. One set is a rubber ducky nativity, and the other set is a rubber ducky angelic choir.

Some people may think that collecting such things is sacrilegious. They think that good Christians are always serious, stern, controlled, and humorless. In their view, Christians have nothing colorful in their lives or in their clothing. And a pastor! Well, a pastor should know better than to collect such frivolous things. 

To such individuals I counter their argument with how often in holy scripture the reader is told to be joyful. Not serious…not humorless…but joyful. Jesus and his disciples were apparently so happy in their attitude, that their critics labeled them as drunkards! In a world weary with evil and sadness, we need more joy in our lives. So this summer, do good things that fill you with joy. Ride a bike. Enjoy an ice cream cone. Spend time playing baseball with your friends. Play corn hole with your family. Live in joy and share your joy with others. Where there is true joy on earth, there will be joy in heaven.

“But let the righteous be joyful; let them exult before God; let them be jubilant with joy.” 

Psalm 68:3`

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