
Karen Dumey

Thought of the Week

The Rev. Karen Dumey is the pastor of Hunter Memorial First Presbyterian Church in Sikeston.


Wisely choose the best way for you to be charitable

Friday, October 13, 2023

As a Christian, and more specifically a Christian minister, many people expect me to always say “yes” to their requests. They know that Christians are to be charitable and generous. Thus, they think that each time a request for money is made, or a ride is asked for, or a whole host of other needs are brought up, that I, in order to be a faithful disciple, must comply. If this were true, then all Christians would be the world’s doormat, being trampled upon and used without complaint.

Christians are to be charitable, that is true, but we are to also be wise. For most of us and for many congregations, resources are limited. We must make informed decisions as to what to do and what not to do. By using our wisdom, we are to know that we cannot always take things at face value. Unfortunately, we live in a world filled with deceit, where lies and half-truths surround us, and where people are trying to get us into a position where we can be hurt physically, financially or legally.

So, what is a Christian to do about helping other people? That question is difficult to answer. Each situation is different. First, follow your gut instinct. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do what you are being asked to do. Second, get the input of other people, particularly from your faith family. They may have information that helps you make a better-informed decision. Third, if it is a request easily done and that does not put you in any risk, do it if you wish. Lastly, you can help many people if you put your resources of time, talent and treasure to work in an established church ministry or non-profit. There are so many ways for us to help our neighbor. Wisely choose what is the best way for you and be as charitable as you can be.

“People who testify falsely against their neighbors are like a club, sword and sharpened arrow.

Trusting a treacherous person at a difficult time is like having a bad tooth or a wobbly foot.” — Proverbs 25:17-19

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