SIKESTON — The Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo Kickoff Party slated for later this month is an eagerly anticipated annual event which marks the beginning of rodeo festivities.
This celebration set for March 29 brings together community members, and rodeo enthusiasts to enjoy a night filled with fun, food, drinks and music.
According to 2025 Sikeston Rodeo General Chairman Austin Curtis, it is tradition to announce the rodeo entertainment line up in March. He said the annual kickoff party sets the tone for the rest of rodeo.
“It’s one of the most exciting times of the year for rodeo,” Curtis said. “People wait all year to find out who will be playing at the Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo. So it is very exciting to see the community involvement.
This year’s rodeo will be Aug. 6-9.
“And it also really fires up the Jaycees and gets everyone in the rodeo mode, ready to get the work done,” Curtis said.We spend all summer working and getting preparations done for the rodeo.”
Curtis noted this is also the second year Busch Light will sponsor the event.
“Part of our contract with Anheuser-Busch is that they get the sponsor rights to the kickoff party,” he said.
Curtis said in years prior, the rodeo entertainment lineup was always announced during a Sikeston Regional Chamber-sponsored luncheon with Jaycees and Chamber members present.
Now, the Jaycees have made the event available to the public allowing the chance for all of their patrons to witness the announcement in person.
Set for 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturday, March 29 in the Sponsor Barn at the Art Saunders Arena on the Sikeston Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo grounds, the annual rodeo lineup announcement event will be open to members of the general public who’ve purchased tickets in advance.
According to Curtis, tickets officially went for sale on Friday, Feb. 28 and there are 150 tickets left. Tickets cost $25 per ticket.
According to Curtis all the excitement and buildup from the kickoff party gets the community and patrons ready for four nights of rodeo.
“People get really excited and start buying rodeo tickets after the kickoff party,” Curtis said. “It’s a major factor in our ability to continue our mission of giving back to the community around us.”
According to Curtis, the event schedule is the same as last year.
“We will have drinks and dinner,” Curtis said. “Following that will be the entertainment announcement. Then there will be a DJ and some fun to close the night.”
Curtis said attendees must be 21 and older to enter.
Patrons can buy a limit of 10 tickets per order on the website. To purchase tickets for the annual kickoff party or the rodeo, visit