NewsFebruary 28, 2025

Southeast Missouri hosts the Traveling Vietnam War and Cost of Freedom tributes from May 1-4 at Scott Street Park in New Madrid. The event honors veterans with a replica Vietnam Wall and panels commemorating various conflicts.

By Jill Bock~Standard Democrat
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NEW MADRID, Mo. — From May 1 through May 4, Southeast Missouri residents will have the opportunity to honor the nation’s veterans at the Traveling Vietnam War and the Cost of Freedom tributes in the Scott Street Park.

The Traveling Vietnam Wall tribute includes the names of over 58,307 fallen soldiers from the Vietnam War and those still missing in action. The wall is 80 percent of the actual size of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C.

The accompanying Cost of Freedom tribute is a series of smaller panels that pay homage to the sacrifices of Americans in World War I, World War II, the 9/11 attacks and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Dr. Ricky Mann Jr., commander of the New Madrid County Veteran of Foreign Wars Post 7183, said both tributes serve as a powerful statement to the service of the nation’s veterans.

“Families around here understand the Wall,” Mann said about the Vietnam War Tribute wall. “Being in a rural area like this, we were often the first drafted. Some of the names on the wall, they will know.”

Both tributes serve to raise awareness of the casualties suffered by the nation through the years, he added.

The 400-foot long American Veterans Traveling tribute and the Cost of Freedom Tribute will arrive April 30 with a special escort starting at 10 a.m. April 30 at Three Rivers College in Sikeston. Those wanting to take part in the escort should gather by 9:30 a.m.

Volunteers will then spend the day setting up the displays along the park’s walking trail next to the baseball field.

The Sikeston VFW Post will perform the opening ceremony, currently set for 10:30 a.m. May 1. The site will remain open to viewers 24 hours a day until May 4.

How to help

The local VFW Post is raising money to cover the approximately $12,000 cost of bringing the tributes to New Madrid County. Mann said all donations are beneficial and can be sent to: Quartermaster/AVTT, 301 S. Fourth St., Lilbourn, Mo., 63869; or donations can be made online by scanning the QR codes on event posters.

Additional money raised will be donated to the Veterans Cemetery at Bloomfield and the Missouri Veterans Commission.

Volunteers are needed with setting up the wall, helping visitors find names, serving as security and cleaning up after the event. Those who would like to volunteer can call the Lilbourn VFW Post or send them a message via their Facebook page.

To be part of the escort, contact Alvin Hillis at AGHILLIS1973@gmail.

For further information about the event contact or
