SIKESTON – Altrusans from Sikeston and Poplar Bluff received a visit from Altrusa International District Governor Lorraine Brewer of Fayetteville, Arkansas, earlier this month.
Normally, Dexter Altrusans would have been present but illness prevented their participation. Altrusa is a worldwide service organization, which is divided into districts. Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas and Oklahoma comprise District Eight. So Lorraine Brewer is the Governor for District Eight. The Poplar Bluff club hosted the event that was part of the Governor’s visit. Sikeston was well represented at the gathering as Melissa Eakins, President, Wende Pruden, Vice-President, Linda Myers and Jennifer Stratman were present.
Brewer spoke on a wide variety of topics. She spoke about member retention and the importance of orientation and re-orientation of members. District Eight will be having their annual conference in Kansas City in April. She spoke enthusiastically about all the great things planned for this conference. After her presentation, there was a question and answer session. It was an upbeat and informative meeting.
Altrusa International is an international volunteer service organization of business and professional leaders, dedicated to improving local communities through personal service. Over 6,700 Altrusans worldwide are proud of their community commitment to enhance the lives of those in their local and global communities. Through local Altrusa clubs, members unite varied talents in service to others, achieving as a group what individuals cannot do alone. Altrusa clubs develop and fund specific service projects to meet community needs, especially in the area of literacy. Altrusa is recognized nationally and internationally for the significant contributions of its members and clubs. Providing over one million collective volunteer hours in their communities, Altrusa clubs serve in over 360 communities in 11 countries. Members are drawn from all cultures, from all age groups, and from all economic standings, with a common thread of wanting to give back. The club offers an opportunity to make a real difference in Scott and New Madrid Counties. Members undertake a variety of services, literacy, fundraising, and international projects each year.
For more information about Altrusa, like its Fcebook page: “Altrusa International, Inc of Sikeston, MO.” For personal contact reach out to Club President, Melissa Eakins by e-mail at