NEW MADRID, Mo. - Filing begins Dec. 10 for two three-year terms on the New Madrid County R-1 Board of Education.
According to Superintendent Bridgett Masterson, those interested in serving on the Board can file during regular school hours with Board secretary Lisa Broyles at the Board offices through Dec. 31. While school will be closed for the holiday break, one day will be set aside to open the office during that time for filing, Masterson said.
The terms of Jenny Cope and Ryan Eddy are expiring.
Once again the Board has approved a one-time retirement incentive for certified and non-certified staff retiring through the Public School and Education Employee Retirement System at the end of the current school year.
A $1,250 incentive with $625 paid in December and the second $625 paid at the end of the school year will be offered to those who submitted their resignations to the superintendent’s office by 3:30 p.m. Dec. 2.
For those submitting their resignations by 3:30 p.m. Jan. 6, 2025, in the superintendent’s office, a $1,000 incentive will be offered with $500 paid in January and the other $500 paid at the end of the current school year.
There will be a $750 incentive of which $375 will be paid in February and $375 paid at the end of the current school year to employees who submit their resignations to the superintendent’s office by 3:30 p.m. Feb. 3, 2025.
Masterson said the incentive program has worked well over the past years.
“By learning who will be leaving, it helps us to advertise earlier in order to attract good employees for the next year,” Masterson said.
In other action by the Board at the November meeting:
Brittany Kerby and Jerry Noble presented an update on OPAA!, the District’s food service company.
According to the Superintendent, the number of students provided breakfasts and lunch in the District is up. She attributed some of the increase to the different entrees offered students at lunch.
• Heather Schuerenberg, the District’s director of finance, discussed the increase to minimum wage recently approved by Missouri voters. Schuerenberg explained details of the legislation, which employees would be impacted across the District and the impact to the District, according to Masterson.
• Also Schuerenberg discussed health insurance matters. The superintendent said the Board will continue to look at the rising cost of insurance premiums and deductibles and would review insurance matters again at a future meeting.
Approval was given for a health screening incentive plan.
• Jeff Stroder with Beussink, Hey, Roe and Stroder LLC, presented the 2023-24 audit report to the Board. Masterson said the auditors gave the District a clean audit.
Following the presentation, the Board approved the audit of fiscal year ending June 30, 2024.
• The District’s property/ fleet/ liability coverage was renewed with the Missouri United Schools Insurance Company with rates remaining basically the same, Masterson said.
• In personnel matters, Kim Fincher was transferred from Middle School Alternative School to special education teacher at New Madrid Elementary; Ann Weeks was transferred from special education teacher at New Madrid and Lilbourn elementary schools to special education teacher at Lilbourn Elementary School and Angie Sullenger from preschool teacher to alternative school at Central High School.
Employed were: Clayton Stephen Lightfoot, secondary math instructor at Central High School; Hannah Toombs and Julie Wallace, special education assistants; and Paige Kimball as quiz bowl sponsor at Central High School.
Resignations accepted were from Jeff Mansfield as secondary math and quiz Bowl sponsor at Central High School effective Oct. 29; Cassie Durden as special education teacher at New Madrid Elementary effective Nov. 29; and Jasmikia Davis as special education assistant effective May 16, 2025.
In addition the Board approved Policy GCPB regarding the resignation of professional staff members and reviewed the District’s CD investments.
Following the meeting Masterson said she hoped students and staff enjoyed a relaxing Thanksgiving break.
“December is always a busy month,” she said. “In addition to the push to the end of the second quarter, there will be plays, concerts, the Madrigal feast as we head toward the Christmas season.”