NEW MADRID, Mo. - Everyone at the New Madrid Historical Museum hopes all of you had a fantastic Christmas and we thank all of you for lighting up the Memory Tree as brightly as it was this year. We hope it brought back fond memories of friends and family like it did for us.
The final installation of lights on the Memory Tree saw Judy Gail and Aaron Mitchell put lights on in honor of Ray Smith, Joan Smith and Chester Richard.
Theresa Harris lit the tree in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noth, Kim Smith, Sister Mary Teresa Noth, John Noth, Jacob Ryan Harris, Dr. and Mrs. Louis J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Harris Sr., Doris Harris Masterson, Katie Krallman, Jimmy Masterson, Marie Smith, Theresa Smith, Agnes Smith, Monsignor John Smith and Cordell Evans.
And Harry Francis Leuer lit the Memory Tree for Mary Claire Leuer, Harry F. Leuer, William Mann Leuer, Mary Leuer, Harry Foote Leuer, Zoe Rozier Leuer, Mary Dawson Mann, William Mann, Zoe O’Herin, Sallie Carlisle Sterling, Perry Joseph Leuer, David Dawson Mann and Jane and Cottingham Mann.
Happy New Year to all of you and good wishes for 2025! We hope to see you at the Museum.