Liberal conspiracies transforming nation

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

To keep a conspiracy, a lie or an illegal act in check, you must first have a code of silence. Participants in a conspiracy must abide by a spoken or unspoken understanding that the wayward deed will unravel if anyone breaks that bond of silence.

And, it goes without saying, that the fewer involved, the less chance that someone will say the wrong words and the truth will begin to surface.

All of those involved in the true knowledge of Watergate hung doggedly to the line that the Watergate break-in was just a second-rate burglary.

Until one person broke.

The obvious conspiracy in recent headlines surrounds the IRS. As long as the conspiracy is self-enclosed, the truth remains hidden. Thus Lois Lerner takes the Fifth Amendment protection to hide her part in the plot.

This also applies to the Benghazi tragedy. There had to be a concerted and organized effort on the eve of a national election to deflect the truth and steer the story in a different and wholly inaccurate direction.

But the orchestrated flood of illegal immigrant children across our southern border is a much different conspiracy.

Back in January of this year, the federal government sought transportation bids to transport illegal minors to locations away from the border.

In January!

It seems obvious at that point, a conspiracy to pave the way for executive orders on immigration had been hatched.

Thousands of Central American parents did not coincidentally decide to take the life-changing decision to ship their children in unison to America.

Someone told these families to take this radical path at this critical time.

Someone gave the marching orders in this invasion. And that order was given at the direction of someone in our federal government in a scheme that will someday come to light.

I'm prone to think that too many people are involved in this conspiracy and someone will explain just how this plot worked.

And it may well lead to the highest levels of our federal government.

Radicals believe the end justifies the means.

If progressives - desperate for power - believe a few million more Democrat voters will seal their power for generations, they will never let a set of laws stand in their way.

I don't need a poll to tell me this is the worst Presidency in history.

Like everyone else, I am living this radical nightmare of the liberal agenda that is transforming this nation into the utopia Barack Obama always envisioned.

In his mind, it matters little what laws are broken because the end always justifies the means.

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