
Mathew Vroman

From the pulpit

Mathew Vroman is the pastor of the Sikeston First Baptist Church.


If you want to have a spiritual harvest in your life, you need to plant spiritual seed in your life

Thursday, February 13, 2020

I grew up in Glasgow, MO (population 1200) and graduated from Mizzou with a degree in General Agriculture. My grand-father was a cattle farmer. Agriculture is in my blood and I have always thought of how incredible our farmers are. I decided to start a tradition that the last Sunday in February would be Agriculture Sunday at our church (First Baptist Church of Sikeston). I hope many farmers and their families will be our guest February 23 at 10:30 am. At the morning service, we plan to pray for our farmers and show appreciation to them and our Ag industry. As I have thought about this, I began thinking of how many of Jesus’ teachings revolved around farming. One of them was the parable where Jesus said there was a farmer that sowed seed. When he is explaining what the seed is, he shares it is the Word of God. If you want to have a spiritual harvest in your life, you need to plant spiritual seed in your life. Today, make a commitment to read the Bible regularly and listen to Bible based sermons. Next, week I will share more about Agriculture from the Bible.

Did you know that the Bible never refers to the fruit that Adam and Eve ate as an apple? It is only called a fruit. Read it in Genesis chapter 2 through 3.

If you have a question you would like answered for future columns email mathewvroman@gmail.com

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